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Laugh, cry, commit suicide, wait, not that last one. Futility in Action is a webcomic about finding hilarity in life's suffering. Join us at before the internet ceases to exist. Black and white has never looked so beautiful online.
Welcome to No Need for Bushido (or NN4B for those who dislike typing) a long running webcomic that takes place in Feudal Japan, sort of. Sticklers for historical accuracy will need to leave their encyclopedic knowledge at the door.
Cornucopia (or Nuco for short) is a comedy/slice of life/action-adventure comic about a ninja named Hiccup, some other people, and their adventures across the titular continent of Cornucopia, where all of the countries are named after food but not...
Just your average sorority-as-a-front-for-a-witch-coven, on a totally average not-haunted college campus!
Nemo is a man on a mission. What's the mission? One persistent hitchhiker seeks to find out!
By Jan. A pair of thieves (a silver fox and a tiger) are involved in numerous misadventures in a medieval kingdom. (Various language translations [usually] available.)
Years ago, magic was a harnessable force which was taught in a school named The Aikonian Institute of Magical Research and Application. The Institute’s Council of Mages were tasked with protecting the kingdom and learning how to use these...
Naran didn’t know what to do but continue forward, despite being constantly in over his head. After meeting a lone scavenger on his latest job, things wouldn’t be the same. The two found themselves drawn to each other despite the masks they each...
I T ' S A B O U T A M A N N A M E D R A I T H . . . who travels to a remote island at the fringes of the known world, his only companions his two black birds. All Raith wants is a chance at a fresh start, and he gets his wish when he...
The comic adventures of a penguin and a misplaced polar bear in Antarctica.
In a world where utopia could be next, there's trouble in near-paradise. Very, very big trouble, and it's up to DIS Investigations Agent Dawn Halloran and her friends to deal with it. Features real-world future tech and society aspects...
Knocking the Bottom Out Drako the Barbarian is a wondering warrior of questionable values. He does mercenary work. This is a sequel to The Red Leaves Cut. Drako is unsure of himself. Is he meant for the peaceful life of a farmer, or is his warrior...
Digger is a story about a wombat. More specifically, it is a story about a particularly no-nonsense wombat who finds herself stuck on the wrong end of a one-way tunnel in a strange land where nonsense seems to be the specialty. Now with the help of...
_____. (or "nulimbo") is about a world that has collapsed on itself and become very strange and dangerous. Our three heroes have to find their way to safety while confronting an otherworldly villain and unraveling the mystery of the...
By K. C. Green Crange is an acorn, the last acorn to leave his tree actually. He is selfish and not great at much except drinking. He is tasked to leave the tree and plant himself, as his brothers and sisters have done before him. We follow Crange...