End of Life Notice (Updated)

UPDATE June 28, 2021:

A prominent member of the webcomic community reached out to me regarding taking over support responsibilities for Archive Binge. While the code itself will likely still not be updated any time soon, they have offered to handle support (involving database maintenance, crawler kicks, and claim processing). Ownership of the support email accounts will be transferred shortly.

The source code of the website will remain on Github. Additionally, at my own pace, I’ll be working to configure the repo so updates can be pushed to archivebinge.com. At that point, repo maintenance will also be turned over to the support admin. More details to come.

Original Notice:

Archive Binge is officially no longer supported. It will not receive updates, no crawlers will be kicked, no more manual claims will be processed, etc.

I’m releasing the source code to the public for use, reproduction, modification, display, and/or distribution. You can find the source code here: https://github.com/Respheal/archivebinge

What you do with the code is up to you (up to the limits as described in the license), but here’s what I’m doing to do with the site itself:

The source code will remain live on github indefinitely. The live site code will not be updated further.

The website will remain online for the remainder of 2021. If a new, similar site goes online that I like (this is entirely subjective), I may offer the domain name to the new site’s admin. On Jan 1, 2022, if archivebinge.com hasn’t been transferred to a new owner, it will instead redirect to the github repo indefinitely.

The listings have been updated as much as I reasonably can. All SmackJeeves comics have been updated to point to their new mirrors if I could find them. If any comic is not completely up to date as of right now, it likely will never be due to some incompatibility with the crawlers. It will not be fixed here.

Support emails have been deleted without response. If you sent a support email and I received it, I paid special attention to the comic you reported as broken. If it has still not been updated as of now, I tried but there is something broken about the comic I can’t fix.

Ad Revenue from Comicad Network will be pooled with my own contribution, split and donated equally to the Trevor Project and Campaign Zero.

Thank you for your patience over the last few years.

And the talk absolutely no one asked for: this project was started out of petty spite. A similar site broke, I wasn’t able to log into my account, and they didn’t respond to support emails to fix it. Out of annoyance and an abundance of free time, I built Archive Binge.

Projects done out of spite don’t last. Spite burns quickly and then it’s gone, leaving nothing to fuel your efforts. If you take on this code—or with any project you put your energy into—do it out of enjoyment and love. Spite doesn’t last.

Projects made out of love might not last either. But at least you’ll have more fun doing them.