Development Update #2

So yeah, it’s been a bit. Long story short, management is a terrible career path. 0/10 do not recommend. But that’s not what we’re here about.

Archive Binge had some updates recently! This is largely due to the Smack Jeeves upheaval because I knew a lot of the comics on this site were hosted on Smack Jeeves and the changes were undoubtedly going to result in a lot of broken comics (Only 68 out of 1148, but still).

Changelog as of 12/4:

  • Ads are back! But not bad ads. These ads are hosted by the Comicad network, which (like Project Wonderful) was created by webcomic creators for the webcomic community. I’ve worked with one of the devs on another project before and they’re good people.
  • All comics known to be Smack Jeeves comics have had their URLs updated to the new URL scheme.
  • Smack Jeeves-hosted comics now use the Webtoons-style bookmarking system due to incompatibility with iframes
  • Smack Jeeves-hosted comics now have their own crawler, which is an option on the submission and edit crawler pages.
  • Comic owners can now manually update all pages URLs for their comic listings. Example use case: removing guest comics or announcement pages from the listing
  • Comic owners can now initiate a recrawl on the “Edit Crawler” page for their comics.
    • The above two changes are restricted to comic owners only to prevent abuse. Please let me know if you’re having trouble claiming your comic, or if an unclaimed listing needs updating!
  • The development blog has been moved out of the front page and into a link in the menu (Dev Blog)
  • Minor cosmetic changes:
    • The reader page’s background has been changed to a dark color to avoid blinding readers of dark-backgrounded comics on page loads
    • The +/- subscribe/unsubscribe links have been changed to actual text ‘subscribe’/’unsubscribe’ for clarity

The week’s been a bit of a screaming blur thanks to Smack Jeeves, but I’m fairly certain that’s everything that got changed. For comic creators considering a move off Smack Jeeves, check out this resource:

My next step is unraveling the mess that is my trello for Archive Binge. From that, hopefully future updates will be a little more organized.