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Showing results 1 - 10.


Action, Conspiracy, Dystopia, Hiveworks, Magic

Girl Genius

In an alternate-history "Europa", mad scientists called Sparks turned the Industrial Revolution into a full-scale war that ravaged the continent, until Baron Wulfenbach clamped down with an iron fist. Enter Agatha Clay, an...

Action, Adventure, Author Cameo, Comedy, English Language, Epic, Female...

Sleepless Domain

Sleepless Domain is a comic about an isolated city in the middle of a dangerous world filled with monsters. During the day, the city is perfectly safe. At night, however, the populace locks themselves inside as the city streets fill with monsters....

Animesque, Dark, Female Lead, Diverse Cast, Hiveworks, Magical Girl,...


SAKANA is a slice-of-life, romantic comedy (a sli-li-rom-com, if you will) that takes place in the Tsukiji Fish Market in Tokyo, Japan. If follows the lives of a few 20-somethings working at the market, their friends and family, and all the wacky...

Comedy, Hiveworks, Romance, Romantic Comedy, Slice of Life

Guilded Age

On the continent of Arkerra, two sides of a centuries-brewing conflict are at war: The Kingdom of Gastonia, and the World’s Rebellion (known to their enemies as “The Savage Races”). As Gastonia continues to thrive and develop, stretching their...

Action, Adventure, Delinquents, Fantasy, Female Creator, Folktale, Fairy...

Stand Still. Stay Silent

By Minna Sundberg. It's been 90 years after the end of the old world. Most of the surviving population of the Known world live in Iceland, the largest safe area in existence, while the safe settlements in the other Nordic countries; Norway,...

Adventure, Demons, Drama, Female Creator, Ghosts, SciFi, In Print,...

A Ghost Story

A Ghost Story follows two unlicensed and semi-illegal "paranormal exterminators" who work as ghost hunters for hire in a world where ghosts are pest, neighbors and sometimes dangerous menaces to society. Using unconventional methods and...

Ghosts, Hiveworks, Paranormal

Never Satisfied

Fantasy, Hiveworks

Manly Guys Doing Manly Things

Sometime this is a comic about macho action heroes from various vidja games and the like. Sometimes this is a slice of life comic about a time traveling Navy SEAL single dad from the nonspecific spacefuture. Mostly it’s just about things that are...

Comedy, Geek Culture, Hiveworks, Satire, Slice of Life, Video Game
On Hiatus


Cindersong is the tale of a misanthropic healer and her mild-mannered dragon as they search for her girlfriend's murderers. Unfortunately, her quest for bloody vengeance is frustrated by a series of increasingly cordial and well-meaning...

Fantasy, Hiveworks