In this fantasy world exist an unknown empire, which has the ability to travel into different, parallel realms. Our knowledge is limited of this empire, but the assumptions are indicating that it is ruled by elves and their intentions are not so pure. They are usually invading the other realms with great force to gather the resources and enslave the people.
Currently there are two stories ongoing, The Legend and The Secret.
The Legend is about three adventurers trying to survive in their unforgiving realm. The story began in a distant town behind the God’s back, in the Skinned Mole tavern. The fate has brought our main characters together in that town.
This story is spiced with some RPG elements and the characters are well aware of it.
The Secret is about two characters trying to save their realm. Ghilrond the elf, and Lyrineth the human thief. They are travelling together to the captial city to find out what is happening to their world.