Set in 22nd century Earth, over 100 years after the 3rd World War, the Demon Archives tells the survivors’ stories as they struggle to rebuild civilization. In Book One, we’ll learn about Minerva, one of the few high tech organizations that survived the War. Made up of three specialized organizations – Aegis to protect, Glaucus to innovate, and Oculus to inform – Minerva established a beacon of hope in the dreary wasteland of central Asia.
Minerva: Book One of the Demon Archives follows the story of Tenzin, a Minervan soldier, and his Oracle AI, Jane, as they fight to protect the ideals Minerva stands for from demons – internal and external – in an increasingly chaotic world.
With a heavy basis in real science and technology with a healthy dollop of imagination, The Demon Archives will show you how life could be in a post-apocalyptic Earth.