The Adventures of Wiglaf and Mordred (aka WaM) follows the story of a lonely hero and an apathetic villain who find out they have more in common than they thought as they explore their relationship with each other and the people around them. They”ll meet up with friends, parents, siblings, rivals and all sorts of other interesting characters as Wiglaf and Mordred try to get along in a world that allows Dragons to stand side-by-side with Super Intelligent AI Computers. But that’s just the tip of the ice berg:
They also have a tendency to run into talking swords, floating orbs, zombies, serial killers, bystanders, genetic engineers, ax crazy psychopaths, obsessive older brothers, total monsters, jealous lovers, crazy siblings, imprisoned CEOs, teen genius, and concert pianists (complete with manager) - just to name a few.
So dive in, read, laugh, smile and get to know their world. Most importantly, however, make sure to watch out for the Security.
Because he’s