Hungry Heart
Tina Darling, a young cryptologist from Massachusetts, has just moved to a small town called Normalville, right next to the haunted Salem. The villagers, sick of the rumors, do not take the arrival of the newcomer very well but things change when the disappearance of a member of the Henderson family and the sighting of a strange creature on the outskirts of Normalville are announced...
- Status
- Ongoing
- Update Day
- Friday
- Social Media
- First Page
- https://hungry-heart.the-comic.org/comics/1
- Tags
- 21st Century Comic Fury Death Drama Female Lead Friendship Full Color Ghosts Historical Fiction Magic Mystery Queer Queer Cast Queer Creator Reincarnation Suspense Tapas Tragedy Transgender Webtoons
- Content Warnings
Adult Themes Death, Hatred
Violence Gore, Violence
Content Body Image/Shame, Bullying, Corpses, Emotional Abuse, Gaslighting, Homophobia, Misogyny, Neuroatypical Shaming, Oppression, Physical Abuse, Suicide, Transphobia, Verbal Abuse